2nd Amendment

Resolution in Support of the 2nd Amendment

WHEREAS, we the members of the Kendall County Republican Central Committee unanimously wish to express our concerns on the restrictions of our constituents’ rights to keep and bear arms as granted to us in the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.

WHEREAS, there is a genuine concern by our constituents and members that the Village of Oswego and other home rule municipalities across Illinois are considering enacting ordinances to locally preempt the newly passed law of the State of Illinois, HB 183, which was mandated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, in terms of banning”assault weapons”.

WHEREAS, banning “assault weapons” would likely include popular sporting and defensive firearms like the AR-15, and standard-capacity magazines for all kinds of handguns and rifles. The banning of which could force current law-abiding gun owners into confiscation of their firearms or criminal prosecution.

WHEREAS, we believe that restrictive gun laws are in violation of our 2nd Amendment rights and therefore unconstitutional and unlawful, and individual communities who pass laws that are not uniform lead to potential abuses. These restrictive gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens. This will not stop the lawbreakers from having “assault weapons”. We are only asking for uniform laws for those wishing to protect themselves.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Kendall County Republican Central Committee is unanimously opposed to the Village of Oswego or any other home rule municipalities or counties having an ordinance that would create a patchwork of laws that infringe upon citizens’ ability to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.

PASSED, APPROVED, AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED by the Kendall County Republican Central Committee this the 17th day of June, 2013.



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